Dr. Wegmann is a Doctor of Chiropractic, graduating on the Dean’s List from the world’s most prestigious chiropractic school; Palmer College of Chiropractic. Dr. MJ Wegmann and his wife Dr. Kallie Wegmann founded Discover Chiropractic in 2004.
Dr. Wegmann utilizes a contemporary, evidence based chiropractic technique called CBP; Chiropractic Bio-Physics. CBP is the most published technique within the Index Medicus in the history of chiropractic. CBP has more published papers in peer-reviewed journals than all other techniques combined.
Spinal Correction Certification
It’s an unfortunate scientific fact that a spine out of alignment deteriorates far more rapidly than a spine in alignment. If your spine is in it’s appropriate position, it will actually experience little if any degeneration at all. Your spine was designed to work within the laws of gravity and last a very, very long time in good health. Because the spine houses your nervous system; a healthy spine = healthy muscles, organs, and even effects mood. Therefore, a spine out of alignment can do more than just hurt or develop arthritis, studies show it also leads to sickness and disease.
Using the models published in the Index Medicus of a normal, healthy spine and nervous system, Maximized Living doctors are certified in techniques designed to correct the spine or restore it back to normal. These techniques offer safe, comprehensive methods that rehabilitate the spine and associated soft tissues.
While some types of care may help you feel better, they don’t offer any real proof the spine and nervous system improved in structure and function. On the other hand, the most exciting part of the type of care our doctors provide is that you’ll not only subjectively improve, but objectively you’ll see that you’re body is actually healthier.
Maximized Living doctors certified in spinal correction utilize x-rays for diagnosing along with other types of tests like range of motion and muscle and thermal scans. This allows the doctor and patient to visualize structural improvement as well as analyze functional progress.
Through both in-office and home care programs, the techniques that are taught allow for faster correction and even some level of re-generation. To make sure the process is successful and not hard to duplicate, we offer both physical and on-line support.
There are several good techniques in Chiropractic. We believe that the best ones offer spinal correction so we’ve made sure ML doctors are trained and ready to gently, safely, and effectively help you reach your health potential.
Nutrition Certification
With growing disease rates and rising health care costs, the current state of North Americans’ health in very poor – and all experts agree that poor nutrition is one of the major causes of the crisis. Diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and obesity are just a few of the hundreds of North American illnesses that have been shown to improve through better nutrition.
Maximized Living doctors are committed to teaching their patients specifically how to avoid dangers of the modern food supply. Therefore, it’s standard that each of our doctors is certified in nutrition.
The Maximized Living Nutrition Plans our doctors are trained in are helping hundreds of thousands of people reach their wellness goals. These goals include helping people reach their ideal weight and proper percentage of body fat and most importantly, find true health that is sustainable forever.
We’ve utilized thousands of resources over the past decade to pinpoint the most cutting edge, vital nutritional principles known today. More than that, our offices are “Living laboratories” that have proven what we do works to bring about the most desirable health benefits for people from every walk of life.
Maximized Living doctors attend 8 hours of continuing education each year in the field of clinical nutrition, studying the most advanced principles and current research in this field. Their training makes them natural experts in weight loss, nutritional supplementation, and hormone-based diets to optimize health.
As a patient, your doctor is prepared to identify your individual nutritional needs and recommend specific plans to address them. In conjunction with the highest level of patient care, your ML doctor will lead several seminars and workshops each year to assist you in transforming your lifestyle and nutrition habits.
Maximized Living Doctors Certified in Nutrition:
Dr. Wegmann utilizes a contemporary, evidence based chiropractic technique called CBP; Chiropractic Bio-Physics. CBP is the most published technique within the Index Medicus in the history of chiropractic. CBP has more published papers in peer-reviewed journals than all other techniques combined.
Spinal Correction Certification
It’s an unfortunate scientific fact that a spine out of alignment deteriorates far more rapidly than a spine in alignment. If your spine is in it’s appropriate position, it will actually experience little if any degeneration at all. Your spine was designed to work within the laws of gravity and last a very, very long time in good health. Because the spine houses your nervous system; a healthy spine = healthy muscles, organs, and even effects mood. Therefore, a spine out of alignment can do more than just hurt or develop arthritis, studies show it also leads to sickness and disease.
Using the models published in the Index Medicus of a normal, healthy spine and nervous system, Maximized Living doctors are certified in techniques designed to correct the spine or restore it back to normal. These techniques offer safe, comprehensive methods that rehabilitate the spine and associated soft tissues.
While some types of care may help you feel better, they don’t offer any real proof the spine and nervous system improved in structure and function. On the other hand, the most exciting part of the type of care our doctors provide is that you’ll not only subjectively improve, but objectively you’ll see that you’re body is actually healthier.
Maximized Living doctors certified in spinal correction utilize x-rays for diagnosing along with other types of tests like range of motion and muscle and thermal scans. This allows the doctor and patient to visualize structural improvement as well as analyze functional progress.
Through both in-office and home care programs, the techniques that are taught allow for faster correction and even some level of re-generation. To make sure the process is successful and not hard to duplicate, we offer both physical and on-line support.
There are several good techniques in Chiropractic. We believe that the best ones offer spinal correction so we’ve made sure ML doctors are trained and ready to gently, safely, and effectively help you reach your health potential.
Nutrition Certification
With growing disease rates and rising health care costs, the current state of North Americans’ health in very poor – and all experts agree that poor nutrition is one of the major causes of the crisis. Diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and obesity are just a few of the hundreds of North American illnesses that have been shown to improve through better nutrition.
Maximized Living doctors are committed to teaching their patients specifically how to avoid dangers of the modern food supply. Therefore, it’s standard that each of our doctors is certified in nutrition.
The Maximized Living Nutrition Plans our doctors are trained in are helping hundreds of thousands of people reach their wellness goals. These goals include helping people reach their ideal weight and proper percentage of body fat and most importantly, find true health that is sustainable forever.
We’ve utilized thousands of resources over the past decade to pinpoint the most cutting edge, vital nutritional principles known today. More than that, our offices are “Living laboratories” that have proven what we do works to bring about the most desirable health benefits for people from every walk of life.
Maximized Living doctors attend 8 hours of continuing education each year in the field of clinical nutrition, studying the most advanced principles and current research in this field. Their training makes them natural experts in weight loss, nutritional supplementation, and hormone-based diets to optimize health.
As a patient, your doctor is prepared to identify your individual nutritional needs and recommend specific plans to address them. In conjunction with the highest level of patient care, your ML doctor will lead several seminars and workshops each year to assist you in transforming your lifestyle and nutrition habits.
Maximized Living Doctors Certified in Nutrition:
- Fully understand the dangers in the current food supply and are able to help their patients understand and avoid them.
- Are able to identify an individual’s current nutritional deficiencies and needs and are able to develop a customized plan to address these needs.
- Have extensive training on the most effective nutritional strategies for sustainable weight loss. While many other weight loss plans may elicit some degree of short term weight loss, they are not designed for long term health. Maximized Living doctors focus on the long term best interests of each individual. These weight loss strategies have resulted in thousands of people losing the necessary weight while being able to maintain the changes to build a healthy future.
- Have the ability to design nutritional changes and recommendations that can balance and regulate hormones for weight loss and for specific health challenges.
- Design short and long term, specific nutritional strategies for preventing and even reversing diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
- Continually receive the most up to date, cutting edge research on nutrition, weight loss, hormones, and disease prevention.
- Can provide individual counseling, tools, workshops, resources, and practical guides to assist people in applying the necessary changes to their current lifestyles.
- Are trained to offer specific supplementation recommendations tailored to an individual’s current needs
- Have access to the Maximized Living network of resources.
Dr. Kallie Wegmann
Dr. Kallie also graduated from the world's most prestigious chiropractic school; Palmer College of Chiropractic. She is a ardent horse lover and avid health enthusiast. She is the glue that holds our family together. Dr. Kallie is influential and part of the team at church that leads the children's ministry. Dr. Kallie also sits on the board of directors for the therapeutic horse facility; Rising Hope Riding Center. The probably her proudest accomplishment she is a wonderful mother to three beautiful daughters.
Dr. Wegmann utilizes a contemporary, evidence based chiropractic technique called CBP; Chiropractic Bio-Physics. CBP is the most published technique within the Index Medicus in the history of chiropractic. CBP has more published papers in peer-reviewed journals than all other techniques combined. Dr. Wegmann is also a Certified Maximized Living Doctor, a group of doctors dedicated to reversing the health crisis the US finds itself in. This group of doctors recognize health is a combination of nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle.
Spinal Correction Certification
It’s an unfortunate scientific fact that a spine out of alignment deteriorates far more rapidly than a spine in alignment. If your spine is in it’s appropriate position, it will actually experience little if any degeneration at all. Your spine was designed to work within the laws of gravity and last a very, very long time in good health. Because the spine houses your nervous system; a healthy spine = healthy muscles, organs, and even effects mood. Therefore, a spine out of alignment can do more than just hurt or develop arthritis, studies show it also leads to sickness and disease.
Using the models published in the Index Medicus of a normal, healthy spine and nervous system, Maximized Living doctors are certified in techniques designed to correct the spine or restore it back to normal. These techniques offer safe, comprehensive methods that rehabilitate the spine and associated soft tissues.
While some types of care may help you feel better, they don’t offer any real proof the spine and nervous system improved in structure and function. On the other hand, the most exciting part of the type of care our doctors provide is that you’ll not only subjectively improve, but objectively you’ll see that you’re body is actually healthier.
Maximized Living doctors certified in spinal correction utilize x-rays for diagnosing along with other types of tests like range of motion and muscle and thermal scans. This allows the doctor and patient to visualize structural improvement as well as analyze functional progress.
Through both in-office and home care programs, the techniques that are taught allow for faster correction and even some level of re-generation. To make sure the process is successful and not hard to duplicate, we offer both physical and on-line support.
There are several good techniques in Chiropractic. We believe that the best ones offer spinal correction so we’ve made sure ML doctors are trained and ready to gently, safely, and effectively help you reach your health potential.
Nutrition Certification
With growing disease rates and rising health care costs, the current state of North Americans’ health in very poor – and all experts agree that poor nutrition is one of the major causes of the crisis. Diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and obesity are just a few of the hundreds of North American illnesses that have been shown to improve through better nutrition.
Maximized Living doctors are committed to teaching their patients specifically how to avoid dangers of the modern food supply. Therefore, it’s standard that each of our doctors is certified in nutrition.
The Maximized Living Nutrition Plans our doctors are trained in are helping hundreds of thousands of people reach their wellness goals. These goals include helping people reach their ideal weight and proper percentage of body fat and most importantly, find true health that is sustainable forever.
We’ve utilized thousands of resources over the past decade to pinpoint the most cutting edge, vital nutritional principles known today. More than that, our offices are “Living laboratories” that have proven what we do works to bring about the most desirable health benefits for people from every walk of life.
Maximized Living doctors attend 8 hours of continuing education each year in the field of clinical nutrition, studying the most advanced principles and current research in this field. Their training makes them natural experts in weight loss, nutritional supplementation, and hormone-based diets to optimize health.
As a patient, your doctor is prepared to identify your individual nutritional needs and recommend specific plans to address them. In conjunction with the highest level of patient care, your ML doctor will lead several seminars and workshops each year to assist you in transforming your lifestyle and nutrition habits.
Maximized Living Doctors Certified in Nutrition:
Dr. Wegmann utilizes a contemporary, evidence based chiropractic technique called CBP; Chiropractic Bio-Physics. CBP is the most published technique within the Index Medicus in the history of chiropractic. CBP has more published papers in peer-reviewed journals than all other techniques combined. Dr. Wegmann is also a Certified Maximized Living Doctor, a group of doctors dedicated to reversing the health crisis the US finds itself in. This group of doctors recognize health is a combination of nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle.
Spinal Correction Certification
It’s an unfortunate scientific fact that a spine out of alignment deteriorates far more rapidly than a spine in alignment. If your spine is in it’s appropriate position, it will actually experience little if any degeneration at all. Your spine was designed to work within the laws of gravity and last a very, very long time in good health. Because the spine houses your nervous system; a healthy spine = healthy muscles, organs, and even effects mood. Therefore, a spine out of alignment can do more than just hurt or develop arthritis, studies show it also leads to sickness and disease.
Using the models published in the Index Medicus of a normal, healthy spine and nervous system, Maximized Living doctors are certified in techniques designed to correct the spine or restore it back to normal. These techniques offer safe, comprehensive methods that rehabilitate the spine and associated soft tissues.
While some types of care may help you feel better, they don’t offer any real proof the spine and nervous system improved in structure and function. On the other hand, the most exciting part of the type of care our doctors provide is that you’ll not only subjectively improve, but objectively you’ll see that you’re body is actually healthier.
Maximized Living doctors certified in spinal correction utilize x-rays for diagnosing along with other types of tests like range of motion and muscle and thermal scans. This allows the doctor and patient to visualize structural improvement as well as analyze functional progress.
Through both in-office and home care programs, the techniques that are taught allow for faster correction and even some level of re-generation. To make sure the process is successful and not hard to duplicate, we offer both physical and on-line support.
There are several good techniques in Chiropractic. We believe that the best ones offer spinal correction so we’ve made sure ML doctors are trained and ready to gently, safely, and effectively help you reach your health potential.
Nutrition Certification
With growing disease rates and rising health care costs, the current state of North Americans’ health in very poor – and all experts agree that poor nutrition is one of the major causes of the crisis. Diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and obesity are just a few of the hundreds of North American illnesses that have been shown to improve through better nutrition.
Maximized Living doctors are committed to teaching their patients specifically how to avoid dangers of the modern food supply. Therefore, it’s standard that each of our doctors is certified in nutrition.
The Maximized Living Nutrition Plans our doctors are trained in are helping hundreds of thousands of people reach their wellness goals. These goals include helping people reach their ideal weight and proper percentage of body fat and most importantly, find true health that is sustainable forever.
We’ve utilized thousands of resources over the past decade to pinpoint the most cutting edge, vital nutritional principles known today. More than that, our offices are “Living laboratories” that have proven what we do works to bring about the most desirable health benefits for people from every walk of life.
Maximized Living doctors attend 8 hours of continuing education each year in the field of clinical nutrition, studying the most advanced principles and current research in this field. Their training makes them natural experts in weight loss, nutritional supplementation, and hormone-based diets to optimize health.
As a patient, your doctor is prepared to identify your individual nutritional needs and recommend specific plans to address them. In conjunction with the highest level of patient care, your ML doctor will lead several seminars and workshops each year to assist you in transforming your lifestyle and nutrition habits.
Maximized Living Doctors Certified in Nutrition:
- Fully understand the dangers in the current food supply and are able to help their patients understand and avoid them.
- Are able to identify an individual’s current nutritional deficiencies and needs and are able to develop a customized plan to address these needs.
- Have extensive training on the most effective nutritional strategies for sustainable weight loss. While many other weight loss plans may elicit some degree of short term weight loss, they are not designed for long term health. Maximized Living doctors focus on the long term best interests of each individual. These weight loss strategies have resulted in thousands of people losing the necessary weight while being able to maintain the changes to build a healthy future.
- Have the ability to design nutritional changes and recommendations that can balance and regulate hormones for weight loss and for specific health challenges.
- Design short and long term, specific nutritional strategies for preventing and even reversing diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
- Continually receive the most up to date, cutting edge research on nutrition, weight loss, hormones, and disease prevention.
- Can provide individual counseling, tools, workshops, resources, and practical guides to assist people in applying the necessary changes to their current lifestyles.
- Are trained to offer specific supplementation recommendations tailored to an individual’s current needs
- Have access to the Maximized Living network of resources.