Pregnancy is a time of great and fast change. The body naturally becomes more flexible, the abdominal muscles stretch and can weaken, our center of gravity shifts forward adding stress to the lower back and pelvis, etc. All of these changes can create discomfort, and besides lower back pain, round ligament pain is the most common complaint we hear from expecting moms. Why is that? Let’s do a quick anatomy review: The uterus is anchored in the pelvis with an assortment of ligaments and soft tissue, all designed to stretch and support the baby as it grows. Majority of our ligaments are meant to hold two bones together, such as those in the ankle or wrist. Their job is to be stable and limit too much stretch or movement. But the round ligament is special. Outside of pregnancy, it’s only about 4 inches long, connecting each side of the uterus to the front of the pelvis and into the groin. Its function is supporting the uterus as it goes through the changes of pregnancy, therefore it has the unique capability of being both stable and flexible. As the weeks progress the round ligament expands both wider and longer, reaching about double its original size by the time baby is full-term.
Ideally, all of these changes will occur comfortably and unimpeded. However, sometimes tension can develop, usually starting around the second trimester and worsening as the baby grows. The most common symptom of round ligament dysfunction is a sharp, stabbing spasm (or cramp) in the bottom of the belly with quick movement, i.e. rolling in bed, standing from sitting, turning too quickly, sneezing, etc. Less commonly, symptoms can be described a “pulling” sensation, general soreness under the belly, and even groin pain. Thankfully symptoms are generally harmless for both mom and baby, but they are certainly uncomfortable. What can you do about it? In the office: Pregnancy biomechanically changes the way a woman moves, and any shift in the pelvis or sacrum (sometimes referred to as the tailbone) can impact the ligaments and the uterus. Using the Webster adjusting technique, we focus on balancing these structures. Improving pelvic mobility and removing the strain of the round ligaments allows the uterus to comfortably suspend within the bowl of the pelvis. We also release tension in the muscles allowing for smoother and more comfortable motion. At home:
I hope these tips are useful, having the right tools and support you need during pregnancy are the keys to a comfortable one! Dr. Bachelor
Two Types of ChiropractorsMany people have a misconception about chiropractic and the critical role it plays in health and well-being. That misconception is that chiropractic care is limited to treating back and neck pain. Although many people have experienced relief from back and neck pain through chiropractic services, the foundation, intent, and vision of chiropractic is far beyond simply helping to reduce symptoms.
Chiropractic is the largest licensed, non-medical health-care profession in North America, with approximately 60,000 practitioners in the United States. Chiropractors are doctors. They earn a Doctor of Chiropractic degree after completing three to four years of undergraduate study, and a four-year professional course. After graduation, they must pass further exams to obtain a license to practice. There are basically 2 styles of chiropractic practice. One type of chiropractor is what we refer to as limited scope practitioner. These chiropractors choose to limit their practice to dealing with back and neck pain only. Such doctors provide specialized care to patients with musculoskeletal injuries and disorders. The other type of chiropractic doctor is a wellness chiropractor. This wellness chiropractor focuses on your general health and well-being, and that of your family. The objective of the wellness chiropractor is to work with you in maximizing your life potential. In his book “The Wellness Revolution“, economist Paul Zane Pilzer predicts that wellness will become the next trillion-dollar industry. According to Pilzer, wellness is “not about a fad or trend, it’s about a new and infinite need infusing itself into the way we eat, exercise, sleep, work, save, age, and almost every other aspect of our lives.” Pilzer succinctly articulates the difference between sick care and health care: “The sickness business is reactive. Despite its enormous size, people become customers only when they are stricken by and react to a specific condition or complaint…the wellness business is proactive. People voluntarily become customers — to feel healthier, to reduce the effects of aging, and to avoid becoming customers of the sickness business. Everyone wants to be a customer of this earlier-stage approach to health.” As the culture moves in a direction seeking behaviors that enhance well-being, there will be those who attempt to fit old paradigms with new clothes. For example, some factions in medicine are promoting early detection protocols as “wellness” services. Such services may include such things as screening for hypertension, cancer, or other medical conditions. While there is a place for early disease detection, it should not be confused with a wellness strategy. Similarly, some medical and chiropractic practitioners employ fear-driven preventive strategies. People are encouraged to get their spines checked or control their blood pressure because they fear the consequences of not doing so. As with strategies based upon the early detection of disease, such approaches should not be confused with wellness care. What then is wellness? The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines wellness simply: “The quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal.” Arizona State University has a more comprehensive definition: “Wellness is an active, lifelong process of becoming aware of choices and making decisions toward a more balanced and fulfilling life. Wellness involves choices about our lives and our priorities that determine our lifestyles. The wellness concept at ASU is centered on connections and the idea that the mind, body, spirit and community are all interrelated and interdependent.” The National Wellness Institute definition is as follows: “Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence. The key words in this first sentence are process, aware, choices and success. Process means that we never arrive at a point where there is no possibility of improving. Aware means that we are by our nature continuously seeking more information about how we can improve. Choices means that we have considered a variety of options and select those that seem to be in our best interest. Success is determined by each individual to their personal collection of accomplishments for their life.” Finally, consider the elements of this definition proposed by Travis: “Wellness is a choice — a decision you make towards optimal health. Wellness is a way of life — a lifestyle you design to achieve your highest potential for well being. Wellness is a process — a developing awareness that there is no end point, but that health and happiness are possible in each moment, here and now. Wellness is a positive acceptance of oneself. Wellness is the interaction of the body, mind and spirit — the appreciation that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an impact on our state of health.” These definitions embrace a vision of wellness grounded in empowerment, choice, and awareness. The wellness concepts sharply contrast with those of the fear driven, patient passive, episodic strategies of early detection, prevention, and maintenance. Chiropractic is based on the philosophy that the body is a self-healing, self-regulating and self-developing organism and that your nervous system is the master system and controller of your body. If you cut your finger, it heals. You don’t have to take anything or do anything to make that happen. If you were to cut the finger of a dead person, healing would not occur. Life heals, it is as simple as that. You live your life through your nervous system. It is the master system and controller of your body. Right now your heart is beating, kidneys are working, liver is functioning, brain chemicals are flowing all without you having to think about it. This is because your nervous system is coordinating it all and making it happen. What would happen if there was interference with the function of your nervous system? It would interfere with you body’s ability to heal and regulate. An important term and concept that every person should know and understand is vertebral subluxation. Vertebral subluxation, or subluxation for short, refers to a mechanical problem in the spine that relates to nerve interference. When a person is subluxated, it reduces their ability to heal, regulate and express well-being. Like cavities in teeth, subluxations are very common in our culture. It is the primary goal of the chiropractor to detect and correct subluxations so that you can improve healing, regulation, and general well-being A limited nervous system means limited wellness. If we want to optimally create higher levels of wellness, we then need to remove nervous system interference as a part of the process. Chiropractors are uniquely trained to do this. Millions of people, from infants to seniors over 100 years old, benefit from chiropractic adjustments every year. The chiropractic profession is perfectly positioned to lead the wellness revolution, and to reap the benefits, material and spiritual, of accepting that challenge. Vertebral subluxations affecting sensation may distort your perceptions of the internal and external environments. The inevitable consequence is a distorted world view. Furthermore, vertebral subluxations may interfere with our responses to internal and external change. Such subluxations compromise our ability to experience life to our fullest potential. By addressing vertebral subluxations, and the physical, biochemical, and emotional distress that cause such subluxations, a person seeking wellness care enhances their life experience. A wellness patient does not seek merely to maintain the status quo, return to pre-injury status, or prevent illness. Such an individual recognizes that chiropractic care is a lifelong process — a way of life — that is an integral component of a global strategy for human empowerment. Author: Chris Kent DC Christopher Kent is a chiropractor and an attorney. He is the owner of On Purpose, LLC, and president of the Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation. A 1973 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic, he is a Diplomate and Fellow of the ICA College of Chiropractic Imaging. Dr. Kent is known within the chiropractic profession for his dedication to integrating the science, art, and philosophy of chiropractic for doctors and students of chiropractic. He was awarded Life University’s first Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007. Dr. Kent is former chair of the United Nations NGO Health Committee, the first chiropractor elected to that office. We all want to live a gorgeous life, but that can sometimes feel like a hard goal to reach. What does it mean to live a truly gorgeous life, one that is full, meaningful, and brings us joy? Here are five important things that can make your life gorgeous:
1. Relationships That Matter Relationships with other people are the most important part of a gorgeous life. Whether it's with our family, friends, or community, it's important for our happiness and well-being to have deep and meaningful connections with other people. Taking the time to nurture these relationships, show appreciation, and be there for others can help us build a support network that helps us through the ups and downs of life. 2. Grow as a Person A gorgeous life is one in which we are always learning, growing, and learning about new things. This could mean learning new skills, pursuing hobbies and interests, or thinking about yourself and improving yourself. By pushing ourselves to be better, we can find our strengths and potential and make a truly extraordinary life for ourselves. 3. A Healthy Mind and Body To live a grogeous life, we must take care of our physical, mental, and emotional health. This means eating healthy foods, staying active, getting enough rest, dealing with stress, and asking for help when you need it. When we put our health first, we have more energy, clarity, and strength to deal with life's challenges and work toward our goals. 4. Work That Satisfies Having a sense of purpose and happiness in our lives can come from doing work that we enjoy and that fits with our values and interests. Whether it's through a job, volunteering, or making something meaningful, a beautiful life means finding ways to make a difference in the world. When we feel like we are making a difference, we are more likely to feel deeply happy and satisfied. 5. Joy and Gratitude Lastly, a gorgeous life is one where we regularly experience joy, beauty, and gratitude. This could mean appreciating nature, spending time with people we care about, practicing mindfulness, or doing things that bring us joy and satisfaction. Having a good attitude and finding ways to enjoy the here and now can help us live a beautiful, full life. In the end, a gorgeous life is one that is built on meaningful relationships, personal growth, health and wellness, fulfilling work, joy and gratitude, and a sense of wonder and appreciation. By putting our attention on these important things, we can make our lives truly beautiful and bring us lasting happiness and fulfillment. Dr. Wegmann is on this quest to build a gorgeous life. It takes knowledge, courage and action to intelligently design your life. It also takes slowing down sometimes and defining what you want. Life goes very quick, and if you don't intentionally slow it down and guide where it's going you will find yourself sick, overwhelmed, tired, and lacking motivation and purpose. Pay attention to to these 5 elements to build a Gorgeous Life. Dr. Wegmann #purposemaker Did you know the doctors at Discover Chiropractic study every year to improve their knowledge about human heath plus study to understand the changes in technology in healthcare? In addition, few people realize how well-educated Chiropractors actually are. Do you have a great Chiropractor on your healthcare team? The curriculum of a chiropractic program includes coursework in anatomy, physiology, pathology, radiology, chiropractic techniques, and patient management. Students also receive extensive clinical training, working under the supervision of licensed Chiropractors in a variety of settings, such as chiropractic clinics, hospitals, and sports medicine facilities. In addition to completing their formal education, Chiropractors are required to pass rigorous national licensing exams to practice in their respective states or countries. These exams typically include both written and practical components and assess the Chiropractor's knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology, and chiropractic techniques. #themoreyouknow Dr. Wegmann Keeping healthy is an important part of living, and there are many ways to do it. These habits, like eating a balanced diet and working out regularly, can make a big difference in your overall health and well-being. We'll talk about the top 5 health tips that can help you live a healthier life in this blog post. 1. Eat a healthy diet. To stay healthy, it's important to eat a balanced diet. This means eating foods from all the food groups, like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables can make it less likely that you will get heart disease or certain cancers. Adding whole grains to your diet can also help lower your cholesterol and lower your risk of getting heart disease. 2. Workout Regularly Working out is an important part of living a healthy life. It makes your muscles and bones stronger, improves your heart health, and lowers your risk of long-term health problems like obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Exercise is good for you even if you don't go to the gym every day. Even moderate physical activity, like walking quickly, can have a big effect on your health as a whole. 3. Get a lot of sleep. To stay healthy, it's important to get enough sleep. It helps the body and mind heal, improves cognitive function, and lifts mood. Adults should try to sleep between 7 and 9 hours each night. If you have trouble sleeping, try making a bedtime routine, staying away from electronics before bed, and making a comfortable place to sleep. 4. Drink water. To stay healthy, you must drink enough water. Water helps keep the body's temperature steady, moves nutrients and oxygen around, and gets rid of waste. Try to drink 8–10 glasses of water every day. If you find it hard to drink plain water, try adding fruit slices or herbs to make it taste better. 5. Deal with stress Both physically and mentally, stress can have a big effect on your health. It can cause your immune system to weaken, your blood pressure to rise, and mental health problems like anxiety and depression. Deep breathing, walking, meditation, and yoga are all ways to deal with stress that can help lower stress levels and improve overall health. In conclusion, if you want to live a happy and fulfilling life, you need to take care of your health. If you use these top five health tips in your daily life, you can improve your health and well-being. Remember that small changes can lead to big results, so start with small changes and build from there. #themoreyouknow #wellness Dr. W Negative thinking is a common experience that can affect our mood, behavior, and overall quality of life. If left unchecked, negative thoughts can spiral out of control and lead to a negative mindset that can be hard to break. One of the keys to a fulfilling life is a healthy mind and healthy body. However, there are strategies that can help overcome negative thinking and promote a more positive outlook. In this blog post, we'll explore three of the most effective strategies for overcoming negative thinking. 1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) (Did you know Dr. Wegmann is a certified CBT practitioner?) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns. It is based on the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected and that changing the way we think can lead to changes in how we feel and behave. CBT can be done individually with a therapist or through self-help resources such as workbooks or online programs. One of the key components of CBT is identifying negative thoughts and then challenging them with evidence-based reasoning. For example, if you find yourself thinking, "I'm a failure," a CBT therapist might help you identify evidence that contradicts that thought, such as past successes, positive feedback from others, or the fact that failure is a natural part of the learning process. By challenging negative thoughts with evidence-based reasoning, CBT can help individuals develop more balanced and realistic thinking patterns. 2. Prayer and/or meditation is a practice that involves focusing your attention on the present moment without judgment. It has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase overall well-being. By practicing prayer and/or meditation, individuals can learn to observe their thoughts without getting caught up in them. This can help break the cycle of negative thinking by allowing individuals to step back from their thoughts and view them from a more objective perspective. To practice prayer and/or meditation, find a quiet place to sit and focus your attention on your breath. When your mind starts to wander, gently bring your attention back to your breath. Over time, this practice can help you develop the ability to observe your thoughts without getting caught up in them. 3. Gratitude Practice: Gratitude is the practice of intentionally focusing on the good things in your life. It has been shown to improve mood, increase resilience, and promote overall well-being. By focusing on what you are grateful for, you can shift your attention away from negative thoughts and towards positive ones. To practice gratitude, take a few minutes each day to reflect on what you are grateful for. This can be as simple as thinking about the people in your life who support you, the things you enjoy doing, or the basic necessities you have such as food, shelter, and clothing. By intentionally focusing on the good things in your life, you can cultivate a more positive outlook and break the cycle of negative thinking. You might be reading this and thinking, why am I prone to negative thinking or why does my brain create negative stories about my life experiences? The answer is: the brain sees uncertainty as a danger or threat. A negative story feels safe to the brain. The brain is concerned with making you happy, its only concern is keeping you safe (survival). In conclusion, negative thinking can have a profound impact on our well-being both mental and physical. However, by using strategies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, prayer and/or meditation, and gratitude practice, we can learn to overcome negative thinking and promote a more positive outlook. Whether you work with a therapist or practice on your own, these strategies can help you develop the skills needed to break the cycle of negative thinking and cultivate a more balanced and realistic perspective. #themoreyouknow #journeytowellness Dr. W One way or another- I’m gonna help you find those ingredients 😂🤭😉
Foods that are banned in other countries because of certain ingredients like ❌BHA/BHT ❌Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils ❌Dyes - Red 40, titanium dioxide, yellow 5 ❌Carrageenan- a gum that has been linked to inflammation in the gut. Other countries have some stricter and more regulated rules around ingredients than we do- For example, some countries have bans on food products that contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In addition, foods that are considered unhealthy, such as soft drinks and some processed foods, are often taxed heavily and/or restricted in some countries. Some countries have even banned the sale of candy and other treats that contain high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, and/or excessive sugar. If we don’t pay attention to the products we are buying we could set ourselves up for gut disruption, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, obesity and more… If you want to take back your health you have to learn to read your labels, not just ingredients, although that’s a great place to start but also nutrition facts! credit @wellness.homemade Even though there have been a lot of studies showing that our mental health has a big effect on our physical health and vice versa, society has been slow to make the changes that can lead to better mental and physical health for everyone. We innately know both mental and physical health are important parts of a person's overall health. For example, depression makes you more likely to have many different kinds of physical health problems, especially long-term ones like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. On the other hand, having a chronic illness caused by bad health habits can also make you feel depressed. How do we stop this from happening? By concentrating on what we can do. This may sound like a lot, but everyone can take small steps every day to live a healthier mental and physical life. Here are three steps that are based on preventive care and can help improve your physical and mental health. 1. Start small. First, I think you should focus on what I call the "Four Pillars of Health." These include getting enough sleep, being active, eating well, and dealing with stress in your life, which includes spending time with family, meditating, and doing other things that help you relax and concentrate. We live in a time when burnout and loss have gone up in many fields, especially hospitals and other medical facilities, as well as colleges and universities. This should be a sign that something needs to change. Even though you can't really change your life all at once, there are many small steps you can take that will add up to big changes in the long run. The first step is to look for small ways to do healthy things throughout the day. For example, you could try a new exercise program or take the stairs instead of the elevator to get more steps. You could also set aside a certain amount of time each day to write in a journal, put your phone away for an hour to avoid being tempted by social media, or take a moment, even if it's just to send a text to a loved one, to connect with them. By starting small, you can start to deal with "problem areas" in a way that is easier to handle. Once you've gotten used to one of these small steps, you'll be ready to add another, and then another. 2. Move more. Studies have shown for a long time that making physical activity a regular part of our lives is good for our body in many ways, including improving brain health, controlling weight, lowering the risk of disease, building stronger bones and muscles, and making it easier to do everyday things. Regular exercise also has a lot of positive effects on your mind and mood. This doesn't mean that you have to start a strict exercise plan. For example, a recent study shows that if you can, you can lower your blood pressure by taking a five-minute walk every half hour. If you work in a hospital, take the stairs. If you're studying for a test, set a timer and go for a quick walk. The trick is to look for any time, even if it's only five minutes, to move. Even though it's not always convenient, we can work out pretty much anywhere. One benefit of these short exercises is that they help you concentrate and stay awake. 3. Ask for help. Today, we have more access to and information about physical and mental health than ever before, and we also know more about how to take care of ourselves. Considering the long-term effects of the last few years and a global pandemic, the best way to help anyone grow is to create an environment that encourages connection and teaches ways to deal with stress. Dr. Wegmann has extensive knowledge in the area of healing and health. If you are feeling depressed, burned out or overwhelmed, make it a point to ask what steps you can take to start feeling better again.
AuthorsDr. MJ Wegmann, Archives
July 2023